
Redeemer Church in Manchester | Manchester Church

Joining God to bring wholeness to Chorlton, Manchester, and the United Kingdom.


Redeemer Church in Manchester | Manchester Church

Joining God to bring wholeness to Chorlton, Manchester, and the United Kingdom.




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Redeemer Church on a Sunday

Sunday Worship

We gather on Sundays at 10.00am at Oswald Road Primary School* in the centre of Chorlton. Regardless of your church tradition or previous experience with the Christian faith, you are welcome here!


10.00am: coffee, tea, chats
10.15am: service begins, ending around 11.30am


If you have children, Redeemer Kids is a fun and safe environment for babies up to children age 9.

Oswald Road Primary School
(Entrance on Nicholas Road)
Chorlton, Manchester
M21 9PL

There is on street parking available nearby, bike locks, and is close to the Chorlton Metrolink tram stop.

*Other than venue hire, there is no other affiliation between Redeemer Church and Oswald Rd Primary School.

Oswald Road Primary School - Redeemer Church

Entrance to Oswald Road Primary School is on Nicholas Road



Live Stream

For those who aren’t able to make our in-person gatherings, we stream them online so you can worship in your home at 10.15am each Sunday. Everyone can catch up on services as well by checking out our Sunday recap archive.

You can join our interactive online gatherings by going to on Sundays, or clicking below.


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Who We Are

Who We Are

Who We Are

Who We Are

Redeemer Church Manchester is a gospel formed family on mission.


Gospel Formed

The gospel is the story of redemption from Genesis to Revelation, one that we are caught up in. We hear about it through God's Word and talk to God about it through prayer. This is the story Jesus writes.


In the gospel, God takes us out of our isolation and gives us a family. We share our lives with each other, love, and work for each other. This is the family Jesus gives us.

On Mission

This gospel-formed family is one marked by grace. We are called to be generous toward others, loving them by seeking their good and inviting them into our lives. Our aim is God's kingdom and will be done in Manchester as in Heaven. This is the mission Jesus leads.


Read more on our blog.


Missional Communities

Missional Communities

Missional Communities

Missional Communities

Missional Communities are where we live out being a gospel formed family on mission.


At Missional Community (MC) meetings we eat together, pray together, share the Bible with each other, as well as our lives. It’s an opportunity to live out the way that Jesus taught. Through our MCs we get to know others well, get to be known, and work together for God’s mission in the Chorlton and Manchester area. Our MCs are primarily organised around a shared mission together. As we go on this mission, we get to create a mission-focussed and open community.

Afternoon MC

We learn about the Bible together and pray for God to powerfully work in our world. We have meetings on Wednesday afternoons.

Alex Park MC

We help lead Alex Park's 5k parkrun and grow in our walk with Jesus. We have fortnightly meetings on Thursdays.

Connect MC

We help people get connected to God and His church. We have meetings on Thursday evenings.

Sunday Lunch MC

We learn about God’s Word together over lunch and create spaces for others to join in.


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