For us at Redeemer we want to live lives that align with the way of Jesus. We want to be caught up in His story, discovering how He is making everything new. That’s why it’s important for us to learn about the Bible, it’s the primary way God makes Himself and His mission known. Other ways to listen and watch:
A topical series learning how to look at death. How can death be a friend, an enemy…something to overcome? We so rarely spend time dwelling on this topic in our normal lives, and we are the less wise for it. Jesus teaches us how to learn from death properly, as well as leads us out of death and into life.
A series looking at how the Bible calls us to live with one another, reflecting the unity of the Trinity in the relationships we have on earth.
In this section of Matthew, we learn more about Jesus’ teaching and life– how He declares Himself to be God and how He demonstrates what kind of God He is. Explore more of our Matthew series.
We are not the endpoint of God’s love. This short series looks at what God tells us in how to share this love with others.
The Psalms of Ascents root us in the journey to God in life. They make sense of our longings, give us a place to cry out to God, provide a path for us, and lift our eyes to Him, our destination.
In Matthew chapter 8 through verse 20 of chapter 16, we see Jesus’ teaching and life– how He declares Himself to be God and how He demonstrates what kind of God He is. Explore more of our Matthew series.
In chapters 5-7 of Matthew, Jesus gives his famous “sermon on the mount”, teaching us about what life with Him looks like. Explore more of our Matthew series.
The first four chapters of Matthew teach us about the origins of Jesus. He offers to everyone a hope beyond what we could imagine. Explore our Matthew series.
Through Paul’s letter to Philemon, we learn about how the church ought to live together. Vulnerability, the cost of community, seeking each other’s good, all of these are hallmarks of the church community.
What are people looking for when they search for a church? 2 Corinthians 4 teaches that about Jesus in our life. Explore our ongoing Church Near Me series.
The Lord takes people from despair to hope. Explore our Isaiah series.
We look at your top questions about Christianity and see what the Bible says about it.
Looking at the prologue to John’s gospel, we learned about how Jesus is the true light and how that is good news for us today.
What are people looking for when they search for a church? Explore our Church Near Me series.
1 Peter teaches us that we are wanderers in this world, but God is building His people to find life and comfort in Him.
Learning more about how our prayer life can affect us, the people we love, our world, and our relationship to God.
Colossians is a letter written by Paul to a church he didn’t plant, to people he never met. It walks through who God is and what He has done for His people. This letter references a “walk of life”, or a way of living. This way of being defines us and gives meaning to our doing. Colossians teaches us to grow in making the resurrected Jesus our centre in all of life: our freedoms, our relationships, our thoughts, our families, our work, and our habits.
By ourselves we aren’t often in control of our emotions, often we feel that they are in control of us. In this topical series we will learn more about how God has made us, including our emotions. We also learn how our emotions are ways of understanding more about who God is and what He’s done for us in Jesus.
Judges is about how Israel slowly becomes just like the nations around her. There is no king, when God should have been King. There is no guide, and everyone does what is right in their own eyes. This leads to chaos, injustice, and ultimately to horror. It is not for the faint of heart. This is a book of heroes and there are few to be found.
Israel, over and over again, sabotages her own faith in Yahweh in so many ways. Just like us, over and over again, we sabotage our own walk with the Lord. We are the worse off for it, but so are our families, our relationships, and our neighbourhoods.
And yet, in this darkness, God is there. Jesus frees us from our ways of self-sabotage and gives us a new life, allowing us to have hope in a bleak world.
Acts is the story of how the resurrected Jesus continues His mission of bringing wholeness to our world. He does this through sending the Holy Spirit to ordinary and needy people. These ordinary people get to be used for extraordinary purposes through His power.
Two weeks on a section in 1 Peter, we look at some of the main things: through what Jesus has done, who we are. With our new identity, what do we do?
Two weeks on Mary’s song in Luke, known as the Magnificat. Is God worth worshipping?
This second volume of Mark’s gospel focusses on what Jesus has done for us, and what it means to follow Him as He is our suffering King.
Micah teaches us to put our hope in God, in His justice and His mercy. That then allows us to be just and merciful despite our circumstances.
The letter of 1 John is an invitation to live as people in the light, as God’s children.
A series on generosity and how we who have been blessed by God can be more generous people through money, relationships, and justice
A brief look into what it means for us that Jesus was born into our world.
The first eight chapters of Mark’s gospel is about how Jesus reveals Himself as the surprising King.
Our first teaching series as a church was about finding our identity in Jesus.
One Off Messages: guest speakers and individual sermons.