Helping you read the Bible well.


Reading the Bible changes us in ways that is impossible to find elsewhere. That’s because the Bible is God’s Words to us, and as we read, we get to listen to what He has to say. In these words to us, we get all we need for the good life: understanding ourselves, our world, our God. Every time we open up the Bible God opens up His mouth. And a good relationship is one where we listen. This resource is to help start (or restart) reading the Bible for all its worth.

How this works: The sermon series gets into what the Bible says about itself. This is helpful as we approach this book. The Read the Bible course gets to some more practical aspects about this spiritual practice. As with all other elements of the Christian life, this is best done in the context of community. There is also a list of resources that we highly recommend.

If you have any questions on any of this, or if you would like to learn more about a church that wants to grow in reading the Bible, you can contact Greg.


The Bible Sermon Series


Download our sermon guide, an overview of the whole Bible series on one page.


Read the Bible Course

This is a group course designed for our missional communities, if you’d like to learn more about these groups, contact us.

Session One: Background of the Bible

What is the Bible? What is it not? What did Jesus actually think of the Bible?


Session Two: Why we don’t read the Bible

We have all sorts of issues when bringing our lives to the Bible: issues about the text itself, issues that come from culture, issues that come from ourselves.


Session Three: How Jesus viewed the Bible

To follow Jesus means to follow His way, including His views and habits of Scripture. So what did He actually think and teach about Himself and the Bible?


Session Four: How to read the Bible

How can we form a habit around reading the Bible? And not just read it, but get the most out of it?


Read the Bible bookmark

Our Read the Bible bookmark is designed to make it as easy as possible to read the whole Bible. There aren’t any deadlines or dates, just a simple way to track reading through the Bible. If you ticked off one box a day, you’d read the whole Bible in just over three years. If you read between three to four chapters a day, you’d read the whole Bible in about one year.

The goal isn’t to create a box ticking exercise, but to stretch our spiritual muscles and listen to more of God, and more often.

These are readily available at our worship gatherings on Sundays, or you can download one here:


Other Resources

Top Resources:

The YouVersion Bible app is one of our top picks. A very close second is the Bible in One Year. If you were to read one book about the overarching story of the Bible, we recommend Vaughn Roberts’ God’s Big Picture.

There are many easy to find Bible reading plans online. The key with these is to realise the goal: it’s not to tick a box or even finish the plan, it’s to get you reading more. If that’s helpful, use a plan! If not, don’t worry about it.

Other Books

It is helpful to read books about the Bible, but there is no substitute for reading the Bible itself!

Other Courses and resources

  • The Bible Project - a fantastic resource explaining books and larger themes of the Bible in everyday language. They also have a good app.


If this course has been helpful for you at all, we’d love to hear about it!

Or, if you’re in the area, join us for a Sunday Service!