Alpha in Chorlton

Alpha in Chorlton, Manchester

Everyone has Questions.

Alpha is a place to ask the big questions about life, faith, and meaning.

If you’ve ever felt like there was something more to life and haven’t had the chance to explore that, why not come along to a session and see for yourself?

We ask questions about prayer, the Bible, God, the church, really nothing’s off limits.

What Is Alpha?

Alpha is a series of sessions exploring faith. We watch and discuss a short film related to Christianity. It’s an open environment and you can say as much or as little as you want, and there’s nothing you can’t say (seriously).

Alpha is relaxed and there’s no pressure. If you come to a session and don’t enjoy it, you don’t need to come back.

There is no cost, Redeemer is happy to provide this for free.


The Details

The course runs for 6 weeks.

We start on 13 October at 2.30pm. We won’t go past 4pm (sometimes we’ll end sooner). More info on the sign up link.

We meet at Greg and Christina Willson’s house: 16 Wilton Rd., M21 9DW. There will be tea, coffee, and guarantee a relaxed atmosphere!

You don’t need to bring anything with you, all we ask is that you sign up and if you don’t like it, don’t feel obligated to keep coming.

Alpha course in Chorlton

Have a question about Alpha in Chorlton before you sign up? Send us a message.