Church Near Me
an ongoing teaching series
The number one search in Google when someone is looking for a church is “church near me”. When people are looking for a church, what are they searching for? What has led them to the point of searching for a church? When they do search, what are they going to find?
It’s questions like these that we investigate in this ongoing teaching series at Redeemer in Manchester. If you have questions about being a church in Manchester, we’d love to hear them, get in touch!
Maybe some people are Christians or people with a background in church that have recently moved to Manchester. Maybe it’s someone who has ben in a difficult place and is looking for answers. Could also be someone who “has everything” but for whom everything still isn’t enough. There are many reasons people search for a church. The Bible also has many things to teach us about what kind of church people ought to find.
The church is called to be a lot of things: a hospital for the sick, a physio for the injured, a well for the thirsty, an outpost of life calling more to join in. A church should be a place where people are built up, encouraged, and equipped to live into their unique identity by living out their unique calling. A church should be a welcoming place for people from any kind of background, skin colour, class, or accent. A church should be a loving community of people, but also something more than just a mere community, as it is God Himself who is at work in our midst.
This is an ongoing series that we come back to from time to time, as we investigate what God calls us to be as His people, and how we can better live it out. We’ll post the series here as we preach through them.
Church Near Me: Ephesians 2.14-22
Church Near Me: 2 Corinthians 4 - Jesus in my life
You can read the separate posts related to this series here:
Jesus in our words
Jesus is our hope