Internship Q & A
How do you spend your time?
Your focus will be different based on what your priorities are. I tend to split my time between studying theology, working at Redeemer Church, and building community. My courses are very time consuming and it could take up every moment of my free time if that was my primary focus. While I was in high school and university I focused on study above relationships and it was important to me that I focus more on relationships this time around. There will be a natural ebb and flow of which aspect of your apprenticeship will take precedent on a weekly, and daily basis. Some days and weeks will be more focused on study and some on church. It is really important to find a balance! Building community in your new home will be imperative to thriving here. I find it really helpful to have some friendships outside of my church because there is a natural separation between work and free time. Having friends outside of just my church circles (even when there is overlap) has really aided me in feeling like I belong here. I was aware when I started interning with Redeemer that I wanted to make the UK my home. This meant that my priorities were going to be focused on working with Redeemer and building a community here and not on my classes. Now don’t get me wrong I’m a nerd and I was the kid in school that never missed an assignment and spent way too much of my time perfecting each assignment. Classes are still important to me I just don’t have expectations that I will get the best grades of the class or the most finessed paper. Sometimes going out for a drink with a few friends is going to take precedence over finishing every word in the book that I’m studying. It’s challenging to find the balance but it is so worth the challenge! God has uniquely gifted and called you to certain things so when you are here your time and focus will look different than mine.