One of the joys of being a church in Chorlton is coming alongside our vibrant community and serving in ways that impact all.

The Chorlton Arts Festival is one of those ways we get to join in God’s mission of bringing wholeness to Manchester.

As the church in Chorlton we believe we are called to help cultivate the culture where God has placed us. This is not just a good or nice thing to do, but it’s part of the mission that God has given us. It is our hope that we would be the kind of church that, if we ceased existing, the neighbourhood at large would be affected by it. We want Redeemer to be a church that matters even for those who aren’t excited about the Christian message. (You can read more of the “why” here and here.)

That is one reason why we are so excited to be official sponsors of the Chorlton Arts Festival! There is no more Chorlton-like event to be a part of than the Chorlton Arts Festival. And we are happy to be a part of it as a church.

Check out the events listings and come along to something this week. If you see a volunteer with a Chorlton Arts shirt on, give them a thank you, they’ve been working hard on getting this off the ground. And if you see one of us out there, come say hello, we’d love to chat.